Something Had to Change

I’m so grateful for my clients who let me share their very personal stories. In this blog, we’re going to dive into Amy’s story and hear about her breaking point for knowing she had to make a change that affected all aspects of her life.

Q. What was your turning point for making the decision to have gastric bypass surgery?

A. My mental and physical health were at stake. At my highest weight, I was 310 pounds and I’m 5 foot 2. It was really starting to take a toll on me mentally and physically. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and high cholesterol all run in my family. I was in my mid-30s and I was going down a really bad path physically. It was also affecting my mental health. I was lacking self confidence severely to the point of major depression. It was usually triggered by clothes and by what I was going to wear. There were days I would get dressed, and it would trigger a major meltdown to the point where I would crawl back into bed and not want to get out and do anything. I couldn’t function. There were times where my husband had to physically pull me out of bed to get me up and get me moving. I couldn’t even walk up a flight of steps without being out of breath and without my knees hurting. Simple daily tasks were so hard for me and I had given up. It wasn’t fair to my family and my husband. It finally came down to me realizing that I had to do something to change this cycle. In March of 2019, I decided to make a change with having gastric bypass surgery.

Q. What was the biggest challenge with undergoing surgery?

A. I knew this was going to be an instant change in my life, but at the same time it was exactly what I needed because everything else I had tried up to that point had failed. I tried so many diets and they would work for awhile, but eventually I’d hit a plateau and would give up. It was a vicious ongoing cycle. I knew with bariatric surgery, it was something I couldn’t give up on like I did in the past. If I didn’t do what I was supposed to, it would make me sick or it wouldn’t be as successful as I wanted it to be. Getting my mind around that was what I needed.

Q. What has the biggest reward been?

A. The non-scale victories have been the biggest reward. Shortly after my surgery, I flew down to Florida to see my sister and it was the first time I didn’t need a seat belt extender. I was on a flight prior to my surgery where I was asked to switch out of the emergency row because you can’t have a seat belt extender in that row. That was so embarrassing to me. Seeing and feeling the physical change was also rewarding. I was able to put on a medium jacket and zip it (while crying in the middle of Target). I was able to walk up a couple flights of steps without getting out breath. Those small little victories made it worthwhile.

Q. What would you say to other women who are struggling to see themselves in a positive light.

A. Listen to your friends and family. I still struggle to see myself through someone else’s eyes. People who love you and care about you aren’t going to tell you things that aren’t true. If they are telling you that you’re beautiful, funny or smart, listen to them. Really try and see yourself through someone else’s eyes because they are not randomly telling you these things.

Q. Who is your rock when you’re going through challenging times?

A. My husband Garrett and my sister are my rocks. It depends on what I’m going through who I’ll turn to. I also have a really good group of friends that I’ve had most of my life. They all lend a different perspective.

Q. Sum up your life now.

A. My confidence has definitely gone up. I find myself wearing clothes I never would have worn before. I was always trying to hide things and cover them up. Having the surgery affected my overall ability to cope with things in life. I lost my mom in May of 2023 and if I had still been dealing with the struggles of my weight, it would have added another layer. There are days I still struggle, but I’m more secure and I don’t need validation from other people. I used to worry about people not wanting to go out with me and be seen with me and I don’t worry about that anymore. I’m still a work in progress and I’m trying. I can look back and see how much I’ve overcome and use that to propel me forward.

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Karen Bartos

My name is Karen Bartos and I’m honored to partner with women just like you to elevate your self-esteem and transform the way you see yourself. Through our collaboration, we'll create a safe and empowering space for you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace your own magnificence. Together, we'll not only produce breathtaking images but also shift the way you see yourself, leaving you with a newfound sense of self-assuredness and pride.


  1. Michelle on February 21, 2024 at 4:32 pm

    Wow, Amy, your story leaves me speechless. Showing self love and care through a boudoir shoot is very brave, but I believe even more courageous after weight loss surgery. The care Karen takes with these shoots and the understanding she has of how vulnerable this is makes everything so much more comfortable. Thank you for sharing your story!

  2. Chantal Levesque on February 23, 2024 at 2:07 am

    Amy you are an inspiration. Thank you Karen for sharing her story. What a fantastic way to celebrate this new life with a boudoir photo session.

  3. Jessica Wasik on February 23, 2024 at 1:04 pm

    Wow, what an empowering story of transformation, both Amy’s surgery and the impact these photos can have! I’m sure that having a boudoir shoot after weight loss surgery marks a tremendous celebration and you captured her in a way I’m sure she’ll remember forever! How wonderful that you get to be a part of her journey.

  4. Amy Tedrow on February 23, 2024 at 11:30 pm

    I love that Amy shares her non-scale victories as well! What an empowering story of self love as Amy celebrated with a boudoir shoot after her weight loss surgery. Such an inspiration!

  5. Gwenaelle Clement on February 25, 2024 at 8:20 pm

    Thank you for sharing Amy’s story through your post ! Her transformation journey is a great inspiration to celebrate self love.

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